Adopt a Celebrity

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if several famous celebrities suddenly announced that they had become Christians and converted to Catholic Church? If for example Madonna announced that she is going to make a regular donation to a pro-Life charity and joined those who stand vigil outside abortion clinics, that she had become a devout and orthodox Catholic. Perhaps a famous footballer became outspoken about what’s happening to Christians around the world and went to the media to talk not about football but that he had become a devout Catholic and wanted to help Christians who are being persecuted. He might then tell the media how many priests and nuns and Christians are being persecuted and even killed in some Muslim countries, or China and India. Footballers have an enormous following in those countries, and his fans buy his replica shirts. Perhaps then the BBC and other TV companies would report on these events. So we suggest that Prayer Crusaders adopt a celebrity and pray for their true conversion, think of the good they can do. In both the above cases this could have an effect on their career; how would Madonna for example be able to perform some of her songs, or would the footballer be targeted by extremists. This of course never stopped the Christians of the past: to whom much is given, from them much is required.

Pray for your celebrity daily; you can pick someone you admire as an artist for example, but you may be sad because they do not give a Christian example in other aspects of their lifestyle. Or there may be someone in the public eye that you particularly dislike, whose actions you deplore; adopt him and pray for him. Pray for his well being, for his family, for his happiness and success but most of all pray for his true conversion.

Celebrities come under many categories such as film stars, TV stats, TV and radio presenters, and sports stars. We pray for them their wellbeing and health but most of all we pray for their conversion and that they may not lead people astray by their often bad example.

By the Prayer Crusader under the patronage of St Philomena and Bl Dominic.


Please let us know which intercessor saint you would like. Your saint will be your 'battle buddy' and will be the name you are known by other Crusaders. Or we can choose one for you that has not been taken.

You can also let us know which celebrity you have chosen if you wish, most most members like to keep them private.




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